Collaborating with Suppliers to Achieve Better Outcomes for Our Communities
Join us for the next East Midlands Social Value Taskforce where we will look at collective efforts required to achieve better results for our communities. You are invited to this event as either a Public Sector Supplier within the East Midlands, or an Employee of a Public Sector organisation in the region.
Date: December 10th, 2024.
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Online)
Together, we will discuss:
- What Social Value means in the East Midlands
- Stories of success from both Local Authorities and a Supplier
- How to work together to create more meaningful outcomes for our communities
- Some top tips and guidance for creating a successful Social Value bid.
This is a quarterly meeting, and we hope it will be the first of many that you will join. Please feel free to forwards this invitation onto anyone in your team that you feel may benefit or can attend on your behalf if you are unable to.
Suggested Attendees:
Local Authorities:
- Procurement Professionals
- Contract Managers
- Social Value Leads
- Policy Officers
- Employment and Skills
Private Sector:
- Chamber of Commerce
- Social Value Managers
- Bid Writers
- Service Delivery
- VCSE Leaders
You can register to attend using this link: